
Refurbished Bio Rad Gene Cycler

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Refurbished Bio Rad Gene Cycler w/Heated Lid

24 wells

Lightweight, with a small footprint, it can be easily transported and fits almost anywhere, including the researcher's desk.

The Gene Cycler thermal cycler meets the needs of researchers who do not have access to a large laboratory thermal cycler.


What's in the PCR Add-On Kit?

PCR Kit Add-On let's you get started right away with materials to look at your own DNA for what version of the DRD4 gene you have. This gene is associated with novelty seeking and risk taking.

The kit contains:

1-10uL pipette and 96 tips

~100 PCR Tubes

Gel Tray and combs for electrophoresis

Tupperware container, alligator clips, two 9V batteries and aluminum foil

300uL 6x Dual Color Loading Buffer

50uL DNA Ladder 100bp 

50uL DNA Ladder 1Kbp

500uL 2x Taq Polymerase Master Mix

50uL DNA Safe Gel Stain

5g Agarose

25g TAE Buffer

DRD4 Primers and Cheek swabs