The 100bp DNA Ladder is composed of eleven linear double-stranded DNA bands. This ready-to-use product is premixed with 1×DNA loading buffer. Based on experiment requirement, 5 μl marker can be directly loaded for gel electrophoresis. It provides simple operation and produces clear image. For easy reference on agarose gels, the 500 bp band (100 ng/5 μl) is brighter than the other bands (50 ng/5 μl).
Storage Temperature
This product is not shipped frozen but can withstand the shipping process. If you want it shipped frozen or on ice please contact us for a shippined quote.
woks well
I used this quite a number of times . The bands turn out quite well if you use the proper equipment. I ended creating a box for taking pictures and the quality rivals expensive brands. Make sure you use the proper combs and the wells and gel have proper depth. The transilluminator needs to be a good one with the proper light frequency and proper filter to get good results.
High quality ladder, crisp bands
This ladder was so inexpensive that I bought it assuming that it would be "ok enough" for my son to use in his school science project. Boy, was I wrong! This ladder produced very clean and crisp bands that rivaled the quality of bands that I observed with much more expensive Life Technologies or Qiagen branded DNA ladders that I had used in graduate school!